At AMP we have extensive experience in providing comprehensive legal advice for our clients in a wide range of criminal law specialist areas.
Violations of Title IV of the Italian Environment Protection Act, as well as unauthorised development, can amount to criminal offences.
This includes cases where any work is done without the necessary building permission or in breach of the permission terms, or when works continue despite a stop work order.
Criminal liability can also arise from illegal subdivision of land, as well as from commencing works without the necessary building permit or acting in breach of the permit terms (particularly in cases of unauthorized substantial changes of use) within an area of historical, cultural, archaeological, landscape and environmental significance.
In Italy, driving offences are regulated by the Criminal Code. Other offences are covered by the Highway Code.
Most driving offences set out in the Highway Code are minor misdemeanours. They typically carry a fine and in some cases can lead to the endorsement of penalty points on your licence.
Driving incidents can also result in criminal offences.. The penalties for vehicular manslaughter set out in Law No. 41/2016 are particularly harsh and are part of the government’s latest efforts to clamp down on Highway Code violations.
Driving offences include:
driving under the influence of drink
driving while unfit through drugs
hit and run
vehicular manslaughter
driving causing grievous bodily injury
Theextradition is a form of international cooperation in criminal matters. It is the process where one country asks another to return a wanted personin order to stand trial or to serve a sentence or detention order.
The European Arrest Warrant is a simplified system for extradition between EU Member States.
An arrest red notice is typically issued to law enforcement agencies worldwide prior to or at the time of issuing an EAW.
The mutual recognition by Member States of each other’s judicial convictions or restrictive orders is crucial to ensure the timely apprehension and surrender of wanted individuals across the EU.
In proceedings for the execution of a European Arrest Warrant, a judge will promptly order a person’s extradition following that person’s consent to extradition.
If a person does not consent to extradition, the judge is required set a date for the extradition hearing before the Court of Appeal.At the extradition hearing, the Chief Prosecutor, defence counsel, and the requested person will be able to make their case. A representative of the requesting State may also be present at the hearing.
A woman is killed by a man every three days, with 78% of all femicides taking place in the woman’s own home. The number of reported incidents of violence against women has tripled in recent years.
Abuse and violence are on the rise, but victim reporting rates remain low.
Domestic abuse, sexual violence, threats, physical and psychological abuse: protection is afforded to citizens in Italy, and we have the experience to help you overcome these challenges.
In Italy, there is a special sentencing regime for young offenders designed to ensure the safety and protection of minors due to their young age and developing maturity.
Consideration is given to a wide range of social, environmental, psychological, and educational factors that directly or indirect expose young people to delinquency.
The primary goal of juvenile justice is to maintain justice and protect minors, while promoting juvenile delinquents’ eventual reintegration into society.
Anyone who illegally uses, manufactures, sells, distributes, or transports drugs can be immediately arrested by the police under Article 73 of Presidential Decree No. 309 of 1990.
Conversely, narcotrafficking occurs when a group of at least three people are involved in drug activity. This crime is specificallylisted in Article 74.
Anybody involved in any of these activities should seek the advice of a drug offences lawyer very early in the case. A lawyer who has extensive experience in illegal trade or possession of drugs can help secure release from custody, get a case dismissed before it reaches court,or secure a lesser conviction.
The European Convention on Human Rights is an international treaty that lays down the fundamental rights and freedoms to which every citizen of a member country is entitled.
Anyone who considers themselves to be the victim of a violation by a member country of one of the rights and freedoms protected by the Convention can lodge a complaint with the ECHR. The ECHR has jurisdiction over violations of human rights.
The fundamental rights protected by the ECHR include:
Article 2: right to life
Article 3: prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment
Article 5: right to liberty and security
Article 6: right to a fair trial
Article 7: no punishment without law
Article 8: right to respect for private and family life
Article 9: freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Article 10: freedom of expression
Article 11: freedom of assembly and of association
Article 12: right to marry
Article 13: right to an effective remedy
Article 14: prohibition of discrimination
Our lawyers have a deep understanding of European and international law and can help you to seek justice and lodge a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights.
Under Article 642 of the Italian Criminal Code, a person commits an offence if they provide false information to an insurance company with the intention of benefiting in some way.
This offence is designed to protect insurance companies from financial losses and promote good faith and fair dealing. Insurance fraud includes the following:
Damaging insured possessions;
Falsifying or altering a policy;
Deliberately causing bodily harm to themselves;
Staging accidents;
Falsifying or altering accident paperwork.
AMP Law Firm has extensive experience in insurance fraud and provides legal advice and assistance to both insurance companies and aggrieved parties or civil claimants.
In recent years, guarantees of due process of law have become increasingly commonplace in proceedings for restrictive and asset confiscation orders. In accordance with Article 24(2) of the Italian Constitution,any parties involved in these types of proceedings are afforded the same legal protections that would apply to preliminary investigation proceedings.
We have a wealth of experience in restrictive and confiscation orders can provide bespoke advice to clients.
A notable feature of these proceedings is that a court’s decision to issue a restrictive or asset confiscation order is based on findings from criminal courts and police reports.
You should seek the advice of AMP Law Firm for support and guidance on restrictive and asset confiscation orders. Let our firm represent your interests and protect your freedom. Our team of lawyers is experienced in dealing with all aspects of restrictive and asset confiscation orders.
We ensure that our clients get the best possible outcome, even in the most challenging circumstances.